Search Results for: tower safety

Grounding System Diagram
Technical Articles

How to Improve Ham Radio Station Grounds

After antennas, station grounding is probably the most discussed topic in amateur radio. It’s also the one having the most misconceptions—or is that myth-conceptions? One of the biggest myths: Ground […]

The little red lighthouse in Fort Washington Park

International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend (August 19-20)—Hams Hit the High Seas to Raise Historical Awareness

On August 19-20, amateur radio operators will travel by land, sea, or sky to lighthouses and lightships across the globe to participate in International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend (ILLW), hosted by […]

hamplus remote switch, mounted to side of house
Technical Articles

Ham Radio Tips: Keep Your Feet on the Ground and Your Station on the Air

Having entered my seventh decade, I know I can’t do all the stuff I used to do when I was in my 30s. Climbing trees, towers, and extension ladders or […]

woman at desk of a ham radio station
Field Day

Five Tips for a Successful Field Day

ARRL Field Day 2023 (June 24-25) is rapidly approaching. Are you ready? Here are a few friendly reminders to help make this year’s event the most successful ever. Be Prepared […]

Kiska Island K7K DXpedition team holding flags

Kiska Island and the K7K DXpedition from the Edge of Alaska

Written by: By Adrian KO8SCA, Hal W8HC and Yuri N3QQ Motto: “Trust your heart if the seas catch fire, live by love though the stars walk backward.” E.E. Cummings At […]

DX Engineering tent canopy

Gearing Up for ARRL Field Day 2022 (Part 5): Tumblers, Canopy Shelters, Hats, Shirts, and More

As we draw ever closer to ARRL Field Day 2022 (June 25-26), we’re hoping you’ve taken the time to procure the major items you’ll need for a successful event. If […]

NANUK First Aid Kit
Products & Product Reviews

New Product Spotlight: First Aid Logo, New Colors, and New Sizes of NANUK Equipment Cases

While we all recognize the usefulness and fun of ham radio, we also know that it comes with its share of dangers. Any pursuit that deals with electricity, sharp tools, […]

Ham Radio License Manual
Products & Product Reviews

DX Engineering Winter Purchasing Guide (Part 7): Licensing Manuals and ARRL 2022 Handbook

For our last Winter Purchasing Guide post for 2021, we turn to a couple of tried-and-true choices that are ideal for spending quality time inside when you’re not on the […]

Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

Tech Tips for Assembling/Installing a New Beam or Vertical Antenna

Here are just a few tips on what to do when assembling a new antenna. The suggestions hold true for both vertical and horizontal antennas. This is a basic information […]

Hamplus antenna switch box
Technical Articles

Choosing a Coax Switch

When it comes to ham radio, one radio is never enough. The same thing goes for antennas–multiple bands usually mean multiple antennas. Soon, you’ve got a maze of coax connections […]