Articles written by: Ward Silver, N0AX

Diagram with examples of quarter-wave and twelfth-wave synchronous transformers. (Graphic courtesy of the ARRL)
Technical Articles

Q-Section Feed Line Transformers

What the heck is a Q-section? Long a tool of antenna system designers, the Q-section is a handy way to make a single-band match between a feed line and an […]

Technical Articles

Receivers and Busy Bands

Beginning in early fall, weekends start to fill up with “the majors”—contests that attract thousands of stations which fill the bands with strong signals. November and December are the most […]

Impedance Inversion Diagram
Technical Articles

Ham Radio Tech: When 450 Is Not 450

450…where have I heard that number before? Seems familiar…Oh, right…450Ω window line! Yes, that’s the nominal characteristic impedance of the black plastic-coated parallel conductor transmission line like DX Engineering’s DXE-LL450-CTL. […]

Propagation Graph
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

Dipoles–A Domestic Secret Weapon

The dipole is the oldest antenna—Herr Professor Heinrich Hertz used a dipole in his 1888 experiments that confirmed Maxwell’s predictions of electromagnetic waves. The dipole (the word means “two voltage […]

Ground Screen Installed in Yard
Technical Articles

Ham Radio Tech: Ground Screens–the “Magic Carpet”?

Operating portable is always a challenge, particularly with HF antennas that are usually close to the ground and quite a bit smaller than a full quarter- or half-wave. Verticals, especially […]

Worked all parties qso banner
Events / HAM Radio 101

State QSO Parties–Great HF Practice

Once you get your Technician license, the next step is the General. Congratulations, you just earned access to almost every HF frequency amateurs have! (Techs, you have some 10 meter […]

radio waveforms and spectrum infographic
Technical Articles

Passive RFI Generators Inside and Outside Your Station

It is not unusual to be able to hear the harmonics of a nearby transmitter, amateur radio or not. No signal is a perfect sine wave and it’s easy to […]

an illustration of the earth and propagation of radio waves
Field Day / Technical Articles

HF Summertime Propagation…with Propagation Advice for Field Day

SummertimeOperatin’ is easySunspots jumpin’Your antenna’s up highThe openings switchThose bands just keep changin’The regions and seasonsTell you why(apologies to George Gershwin and DuBose Heyward) It seems like just a few […]

hustler radials on an antenna system
Technical Articles

Getting the Most from Portable HF Antenna Systems

Portable operating—in parks, on islands, atop summits—has become delightfully popular over the past few years. It’s not hard to figure out why, either. You get to combine visiting new places, […]


Baluns and Common-Mode Impedance: How Much is Enough?

There is a lot of interest in baluns these days—that’s good. There is also a lot of confusion about baluns these days—that’s not so good. This article starts by defining […]