Products & Product Reviews
Maxi-Core® 20 Baluns and Feedline Chokes reduce or eliminate currents on the outside of your feedline allowing you to hear and to be heard much better. They keep more RFI/BCI […]
Technical Articles
There is a lot of confusion about baluns—where you need to use one, what the balun is supposed to accomplish, and even what a balun really is! The term “balun” […]
Technical Articles
Station repairs and upgrades can take place all year round, inside and out. That said, Hams who live where the chilly winds blow and the snow flies during the winter […]
Technical Articles
Hams are typically less precise in their use of technical terms than are professional engineers and technicians. Nowhere is this more true than in descriptions of signals contaminated with unwanted […]
Clifton Labs
(Editor’s Note: The following article is from the archives of experimenter, inventor, friend of the Ham Radio community, and founder of Clifton Laboratories, Jack Smith, K8ZOA (SK).) In working on an […]
Technical Articles
Amateurs have long used the Amidon ( part numbering system for ferrite and powdered iron toroid cores. For powdered iron cores, the Amidon part number begins with a T and […]
Technical Articles
When you start designing your own circuits, one of the biggest challenges is not obtaining component values, but choosing from many different types of components all having the same value! […]
Clifton Labs
(Editor’s Note: The following article is from the archives of experimenter, inventor, friend of the Ham Radio community, and founder of Clifton Laboratories, Jack Smith, K8ZOA (SK).) One project I’ve been […]
Clifton Labs
(Editor’s Note: The following article is from the archives of experimenter, inventor, friend of the Ham Radio community, and founder of Clifton Laboratories, Jack Smith, K8ZOA (SK).) I’ve written about linear […]
Technical Articles
Transformers for Impedance Matching One of a transformer’s important functions is impedance transformation. Impedance transformation is just changing the ratio of voltage-to-current in one winding to a different ratio of […]