How to Protect Wire from Ferrite
Before winding wire, particularly enameled wire, on a bare ferrite core, take steps to protect the wire from the abrasive ferrite’s edges and corners. If the core has an inside […]
Before winding wire, particularly enameled wire, on a bare ferrite core, take steps to protect the wire from the abrasive ferrite’s edges and corners. If the core has an inside […]
Start preparing to log Pitcairn Island, the least populous national jurisdiction in the world and the spot where, in 1790, mutineers from The Bounty settled after famously burning the ship. […]
DXers will have a chance to put Solomon Islands in their log books this August. Michael, DL2GMI, is scheduled to be QRV on 80/40/20/15/10/6M from August 23 to September 2 […]
One of the great things about Ham Radio is its ability to bring people together. If the propagation is right, an operator in Iowa can reach across the Atlantic to […]
My first Elmer was a laid-back guy. One of his philosophies about Ham equipment was, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” He was lucky most of the time, but […]
If you enjoy operating in the great outdoors, Parks on the Air℠ (POTA) provides opportunities to advance your portable deployment skills, win awards, rag-chew with like-minded Hams, and take in […]
In Part 1 of our series on CW Contesting, we looked at some of the basics of getting started. Today, we’ll delve further into making QSOs and tips on improving […]
Also known as point and click. A refinement of the search and pounce operating method which is supported by most major logging software programs. With this method, the operator clicks […]
Soccer has the World Cup. Baseball has the World Series. Ham Radio has the WRTC—the quadrennial World Radiosport Team Championship. While you won’t see it on ESPN, Hams in the […]
We’ve talked a great deal in our Word of the Day column about what you can do with an Amateur Radio Technician Class License, including operating in the popular 2 […]