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ferrite core winding
Technical Articles

How to Protect Wire from Ferrite

Before winding wire, particularly enameled wire, on a bare ferrite core, take steps to protect the wire from the abrasive ferrite’s edges and corners. If the core has an inside […]

Pitcairn Island VP6R DXpedition Logo

The Pitcairn Island VP6R 2019 DXpedition is Coming!

Start preparing to log Pitcairn Island, the least populous national jurisdiction in the world and the spot where, in 1790, mutineers from The Bounty settled after famously burning the ship. […]

9U4U Ham Radio QSL card from Burundi
Events / Photo Galleries

It’s All in the Cards: QSLs from Solomon Islands and Burundi

DXers will have a chance to put Solomon Islands in their log books this August. Michael, DL2GMI, is scheduled to be QRV on 80/40/20/15/10/6M from August 23 to September 2 […]

HAM Radio 101

Ham Radio and “International Goodwill”

One of the great things about Ham Radio is its ability to bring people together. If the propagation is right, an operator in Iowa can reach across the Atlantic to […]

Large array of ham radio antenna towers
Technical Articles

Ham Radio Outdoor Maintenance Tips (from the Ground Up)

My first Elmer was a laid-back guy. One of his philosophies about Ham equipment was, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” He was lucky most of the time, but […]

ARRL POTA Parks on the Air logo
HAM Radio 101

POTA (Parks on the Air) Overview

If you enjoy operating in the great outdoors, Parks on the Air℠ (POTA) provides opportunities to advance your portable deployment skills, win awards, rag-chew with like-minded Hams, and take in […]

West Mountain Radio Rigblaster module and CD-ROM
Technical Articles

CW Contesting (Part 2): Making QSOs for Real and Tips on Better Scores

In Part 1 of our series on CW Contesting, we looked at some of the basics of getting started. Today, we’ll delve further into making QSOs and tips on improving […]

HAM Radio 101

Ham Radio 101: What is Point and Shoot?

Also known as point and click.  A refinement of the search and pounce operating method which is supported by most major logging software programs. With this method, the operator clicks […]

wrtc 2026 UK Logo
HAM Radio 101

What is the WRTC (World Radiosport Team Championship)?

Soccer has the World Cup. Baseball has the World Series. Ham Radio has the WRTC—the quadrennial World Radiosport Team Championship. While you won’t see it on ESPN, Hams in the […]

ARRL general Class License Manual
HAM Radio 101

Introduction to General Class License

We’ve talked a great deal in our Word of the Day column about what you can do with an Amateur Radio Technician Class License, including operating in the popular 2 […]