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Products & Product Reviews

Black Friday Gift Guide: Gift Ideas for the Ham Radio Enthusiast

With Black Friday just two days away, you’re probably dreaming about all the fun you’ll have jockeying for a parking space at the mall or listening to “Let It Snow” […]

QSL card from Cocos Keeling Islands QRV

It’s All in the Cards! QSLs from Lord Howe Island and Coco Keeling Islands QRV

Editor’s Note: Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. To highlight upcoming DXpeditions, we’ll be displaying a few of our favorite cards along with […]

new england qso party framed certificate

State QSO Parties – Low-Pressure Contesting

As I’ve mentioned in other blogs  recently, Ham Radio contesting offers a lot to Hams of all backgrounds and experience levels: technical challenges of building and maintaining a station, efficient […]

HAM Radio 101

Ham Radio 101: What Does “Barefoot” Mean in Ham Radio?

In Ham-speak, the word “barefoot” has nothing to do with going shoeless in the shack. It means transmitting without the aid of an amplifier. When the topic of amps versus […]

HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day: Tokelau Islands DXpedition

The ZK3A Tokelau Islands 2019 DXpedition’s 19-member team used a range of DX Engineering equipment while operating from this dependent territory of New Zealand in the southern Pacific Ocean in […]

Products & Product Reviews

Holiday Gifts for Hams: DX Engineering Gift Card

What do you get the Hams in your life who seem to have everything? While a rare Wouff-Hong may be out of the question (and perhaps well beyond your price […]

HAM Radio 101

Ham Radio History: Radio Boys

When it comes to classic literature, Ham Radio rarely plays a prominent role. After all, Steinbeck wrote Of Mice and Men, not Of Mics and Men. And despite his name, […]

bevflex ham radio module boxes
Products & Product Reviews

Product Profile: Unified Microsystems’ BevFlex-4X Reversible Receive Antenna System Offers Big Performance for Small Spaces

Take advantage of Unified Microsystems’ versatile BevFlex-4X Reversible Receive Antenna System to enjoy the exceptional performance of a two-direction, low-noise, low-band receiving antenna that’s perfect for Hams facing property size […]

smith chart illustration
HAM Radio 101

What is a Smith Chart?

Look through the 2019 DX Engineering Fall/Winter Catalog and you’ll run across a handful of Smith Charts—a graphic display of how RF parameters behave at certain frequencies. Invented by Phillip […]

HAM Radio 101

What is APRS?

Earlier this week we featured thePicoAPRS-Lite Transceiver Module, which leads us to our Word of the Day: APRS. APRS stands for Automatic Packet Reporting System—an Amateur Radio-based system that Hams […]