HAM Radio 101

What is APRS?

Earlier this week we featured thePicoAPRS-Lite Transceiver Module, which leads us to our Word of the Day: APRS. APRS stands for Automatic Packet Reporting System—an Amateur Radio-based system that Hams depend on for relaying and receiving digital information in real time through Amateur frequencies. Using packet repeaters, known as digirepeaters, information such as GPS coordinates, announcements, alerts, and weather station data—often displayed in a map format—can be exchanged with many stations in a local area. APRS modules are frequently used for tracking Pico and stratosphere balloons around the world. The system also has practical applications as a search and rescue tool. APRS was developed in the 1980s by Bob Bruninga, WB4APR. Here is a link to APRS.org.

DX Engineering’s own Ken “Digital” Dorsey, KA8OAD, explains the basics of APRS in this video.


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