Field Day

field day ham radio station
Field Day / Technical Articles

ARRL Field Day 2023: Basic Rules

For many amateur radio clubs, Field Day is the biggest event on their calendar. Many hams who don’t participate in contesting or DXing throughout the year find themselves excited to […]

Ham radio Field Day Table Setup
Field Day / HAM Radio 101 / Technical Articles

Ham Radio 101: ARRL Field Day—The Importance of the Exercise

What is Field Day? It is an event where hams in the United States and Canada attempt to contact as many stations as possible on the 160-, 80-, 40-, 20-,15- […]

close up of a dx engineering connector on coaxial cable
Field Day / Technical Articles

Preparing for ARRL Field Day 2023 (Part 1): How Are Your Coaxial Cables Looking These Days?

Could there be anything about ham radio less exciting than a coaxial cable? If your heart skips a beat and your eyes widen at the sight of the latest SDR […]

ARRL Field Day Artwork
Field Day

Amateur Radio Mic Fright and GOTA Stations

Mic fright is a general term for anxiety leading to freezing, choking, and/or hesitating when speaking into a microphone. The physiological response of worrying about saying the correct thing to […]

ft8 radio operating software settings screenshot
Field Day / FT8 / Technical Articles

Give FT8 a Try on ARRL Field Day

My all-time favorite ham radio activity is coming up soon—Field Day!! Want to try something new this Field Day, June 25-26? All digital modes can be used, provided they can […]

SFR RF-100 bandwidth filer control box
Field Day / Technical Articles

Minimizing Interference on Field Day

Whenever two or more transceivers are used in close proximity, there is some level of interference involved. This level can vary from practically no problem at all to actually overloading […]

bushcomm wire antenna kit
Field Day / Technical Articles

Gearing Up for ARRL Field Day 2022 Part 4: Wire Antenna Kits, Masts, Guy Rings and More

In our first three installments of Gearing Up for ARRL Field Day 2022, we addressed coaxial cable, headsets and foot switches, and power—all important components of a successful weekend (June […]

Portable Generator
Field Day / Technical Articles

Gearing Up for ARRL Field Day 2022 Part 3: Batteries, Generators, and Power Supplies

One of the exciting aspects of Field Day is the challenge of operating with power sources you’re not accustomed to using, including batteries, generators, and solar panels—even water-driven, bicycle-powered, or […]

woman wearing a headset microphone
Field Day / Products & Product Reviews

Gearing Up for ARRL Field Day 2022 Part 2: Upgrade Your Listening and Transmitting Experience

Last week in our series on getting ready for ARRL Field Day 2022, we began with an upgrade that won’t likely set anyone’s heart aflutter (replacing old coaxial cable), but […]

Field Day

A Guide to May 2022 Ham Radio Contests

Excited about Dayton HamventionÒ 2022, Four Days in May, and Contest University? So are the active hams at DX Engineering! But take note: Hamvention (May 20-22), Four Days in May […]