Antenna Tech

ham radio antennas near dark storm clouds
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

Amateur Radio Tower Safety (Part 2): Is the Tower Safe to Climb?

OnAllBands is pleased to present the second installment of DX Engineering’s Amateur Radio Tower Safety Video Series, featuring Tim Jellison, W3YQ. Tim is a longtime Amateur Radio operator, highly experienced […]

man assembling a wire antenna outside
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

Video: How to Make a Doublet—a Simple and Effective Multi-Band HF Antenna

SOTABeams’ Richard, G3CWI, demonstrates how to assemble an 80 through 10 meter doublet antenna. He begins by dispelling myths about the requirements for an HF antenna—namely, resonance and low SWR. […]

Sotabeams Carbon 6 antenna
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

Video: Easy Steps to Deploying an End-Fed Antenna in the Field

SOTABeams’ Richard, G3CWI, demonstrates how to set up an end-fed antenna in the field using a SOTABeams Carbon 6 Compact Ultra-Light Telescopic Mast and Bandspringer Midi HF Portable Antenna. As […]

ldg antenna tuner box
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

Antennas 101: Do You Really Need an Antenna Tuner?

There is nothing more misunderstood or misrepresented in the world of ham radio than the antenna tuner. According to many, they’re an indispensable accessory for your ham shack and a […]

a close up of hairpin matching system on yagi antenna
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

Building a Yagi Antenna? Why You Should Consider a Hairpin Matching System

For Yagi antenna do-it-yourselfers, one of the most important and problematic steps in the building process is deciding on the best method of matching the feedpoint of a low-impedance Yagi […]

a multi-tower ham radio antenna array
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

Setting Up Multiple Antennas? 4 Tips on Avoiding Interference

Whether you’re operating at Field Day or a multi/multi contest station, one of the biggest problems is too many stations in a small area. So how do you control interference […]

Hustler antenna capacity hat
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

How to Improve the Efficiency and Gain of Your Single-Band Mobile Antenna

Back in the day, folks used to say that you’re never fully dressed without a hat. In the Ham world, DX Engineering Hot Rodz® Adjustable Antenna Capacity Hats for select […]

base of a ham radio tower with radials installed
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

Tips for Mounting a Vertical Antenna Above Ground

We received a question from a Ham in Oklahoma about mounting a Cushcraft R8. Although our answer was aimed at the Cushcraft R8, the information can be used for other vertical […]

bushcomm wire antenna kit
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

Antenna Tech: Resonant vs. Non-Resonant Antennas

There Ain’t No Free Lunch OK. The English is bad but the title says it all. So many hams are looking for that “all band, does everything” HF antenna. On […]

wire antenna components illustration
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

How to Choose Your First HF Antenna

DX Engineering receives many questions from new (or new to HF) amateurs, and one of the most common is: “What kind of antenna should I use as my first HF […]