What Does “RTTY” Stand For?
The CQ World Wide RTTY DX Contest will be taking place in a few weeks (Sept. 28-29), so we’ve chosen RTTY for our Word of the Day. For the uninitiated, […]
The CQ World Wide RTTY DX Contest will be taking place in a few weeks (Sept. 28-29), so we’ve chosen RTTY for our Word of the Day. For the uninitiated, […]
It’s September—the time of year when gridiron giants strap on helmets and shoulder pads while us amateurs strap on headphones and fill our cups with high-octane java for some serious […]
From October 1960 to September 2003, Hams everywhere were greeted each month with a welcome sight sticking out amongst the bills in their mailboxes. It was 73 Magazine, the brainchild […]
DX Engineering was a proud supporter of the NA1WJ 2019 Word Scout Jamboree Amateur Radio operation, July 22 to August 2, hosted by representatives from Canada, Mexico and the U.S. […]
A propagation phenomenon where the ionosphere does not support direct-line propagation (along a great circle heading) between two stations, but contacts can be made by aiming closer to the equator […]
What is QRN…and why do so many Ham Radio abbreviations start with Q? Let’s answer the latter first. Original Q Codes (45 abbreviations beginning with the letter Q) were developed […]
From time to time our Word of the Day feature will focus on a unique product that benefits our fellow Ham Radio operators. Today, we look at the ISO-PLUS Ethernet […]
One of the great things about Ham Radio is its ability to bring people together. If the propagation is right, an operator in Iowa can reach across the Atlantic to […]
If you enjoy operating in the great outdoors, Parks on the Air℠ (POTA) provides opportunities to advance your portable deployment skills, win awards, rag-chew with like-minded Hams, and take in […]
Also known as point and click. A refinement of the search and pounce operating method which is supported by most major logging software programs. With this method, the operator clicks […]