Amateur Radio News

Sun Cycle 25 activity graph
Amateur Radio News

What Can Hams Expect from Solar Cycle 25?

As we’ve written about before, the Solar Cycle is one of many things about Ham Radio that we wish we had more control over—right up there with our HOA boards […]

Amateur Radio News

CW Operators Club Overview

Amateur Radio didn’t begin with long-distance ragchews around the globe. Instead, initial radio communications used continuous wave (CW) communication—a method not using voice at all—for reliable long-distance contacts. Commonly referred […]

DX Engineering retail store signage
Amateur Radio News

DX Engineering Celebrates Its 20th Anniversary

In 2020, our partners at DX Engineering are celebrating their 20th anniversary of dedicated service to the Amateur Radio community. In Ham terminology, what do these two decades of hard […]

ham radio operator in the back of a military vehicle
Amateur Radio News

Six Reasons to Join an Amateur Radio Club

One of the great things about Ham Radio is its ability to bring people together. Whether congregating at a hamfest, attending an educational seminar, making a QSO with a station […]

F6CTL Ham Radio QSL Card from French Polynesia
Amateur Radio News / Photo Galleries

It’s All in the Cards: QSL Cards from French Polynesia

Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. To highlight upcoming DXpeditions, we’ll be displaying a few of our favorite cards along with details about […]

free Canadian shipping logo
Amateur Radio News

DX Engineering Now Offers Canadian Customers Free Shipping on Orders Over $299.00

Ham radio enthusiasts north of the border can now get amateur radio gear for less thanks to a new, limited-time free shipping deal from DX Engineering. The company has announced […]

man erecting a portable ham radio antenna
Amateur Radio News

Six Ways to Get New Members and Visitors Involved in Your Ham Radio Club

Radio clubs are the backbone of Ham Radio. They provide a valuable service by providing local Hams with the opportunity to meet each other and learn more about the hobby. […]

collage of young ham radio operators
Amateur Radio News

World’s Top Young Contesters to Visit DX Engineering

  The future of Ham Radio is coming to DX Engineering! Six of the world’s top young contesters, Team Exuberance, will be making a stop at DX Engineering’s headquarters near […]

XX9 ham Radio QSL Card from Macau
Amateur Radio News

It’s All in the Cards (Central Kiribati & Macau)! The DX Engineering Team Shares Some of Its Favorite QSLs.

Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. Some of our favorites are displayed on the cover and inside our 2018 Fall/Winter Catalog, along with […]

V84SAA Brunei 2019 DXpedition photo
Amateur Radio News

V84SAA Brunei 2019 DXpedition Relying on DX Engineering Gear

When an international team of DXpeditioners sets up camp on Seri Kenangan Beach in the Sultenate of Brunei this February, they’ll be unpacking mission-critical equipment from DX Engineering. The V84SAA […]