Amateur Radio News

Amateur Radio News

Legendary Recording Artist Chet Atkins, W4CGP-SK, Inducted into CQ Hall of Fame

Legendary country music artist and Amateur Radio operator Chet Atkins, W4CGP-SK, was inducted into the CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame this year, along with six other award recipients. The […]

NASA mars rover
Amateur Radio News

Morse Code Makes its Way to Mars

Messages aren’t just for bottles these days, and the one inscribed in Morse code on the license plate of NASA’s new Mars rover, Perseverance, will make its way much farther […]

solar cycle 25 update chart
Amateur Radio News / HAM Radio 101

Solar Cycle 25 Update

What does Solar Cycle 25 have in store? While no one can know for sure, here’s the latest news from the National Weather Service. Based on results of NOAA’s Solar […]

Amateur Radio News

Hamvention® 2020 Club of the Year: the South Canadian Amateur Radio Society 

The South Canadian Amateur Radio Society (SCARS) is no stranger to activities designed to advance the Amateur Radio community. For its work, the group will be recognized this year as […]

a four-way conference video call screenshot
Amateur Radio News

DX Engineering’s First Virtual New Products Showcase Draws Hams from Around the Globe

Hundreds of Amateur Radio operators joined DX Engineering’s team of Elmers on Facebook Live May 15 for the company’s first-ever New Products Showcase—a virtual presentation of the latest DX Engineering […]

Amateur Radio News

Check in and Check Up on the Community

Taking a vacation day and staying home from work sounds like a really good idea—until it happens every day. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many Hams are staying home to […]

Amateur Radio News / HAM Radio 101

Hams Who Made History: Saving Lives at Gilnahirk Y Station

Mystery and intrigue surround local stories of the WWII code-breaking activities of the Gilnahirk Y radio station in Northern Ireland. Originally established by the Royal Corps of Signals and the […]

Amateur Radio News / HAM Radio 101

ARRL Foundation Scholarship Program Helps Hams Hit the Books with College Stipends

Whether you’re pursuing a career in Amateur Radio or a hobbyist looking to cut high education costs—Amateur Radio scholarships can help you accomplish your goal. Every year, the ARRL rewards […]

Amateur Radio News

International All Youth Contesting Team to Compete in 2020 CQ WPX CW at K3LR Superstation

Tim Duffy, K3LR, Chief Executive Officer of DX Engineering, is once again giving some talented young Hams the opportunity of a lifetime in a high-profile contest. Seven youth from five […]

group of women ham radio operators
Amateur Radio News

A League of Their Own: The Young Ladies Radio League

Established in 1939 by a coalition of 13 female founders, the Young Ladies Radio League (YLRL) is an organization run by and committed to the advancement and promotion of women […]