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ham radio operator at large station
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day: Scheduled or Skeds

In contesting, schedules are advance arrangements to make QSOs with specific stations at specific frequencies and times. Schedules are often made during a contest to try to work additional multipliers […]

illustration of a morse code telegraph key
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day (CW): What Does CW Stand For?

If you’re new to Ham Radio, you’ve probably asked yourself: Why can’t these people just say what they mean? A lot of the fun of being an Amateur operator is […]

a ferrite choke on a usb cord
Technical Articles

What is Ferrite Used For, Anyway (Part 2)

In the OnAllBands entry, “What is Ferrite, Anyway?” we discussed what ferrite is and what makes up a “mix.”  We also explored how ferrite behaves at different frequencies. Ferrite has […]

MFJ Voice Keyer module
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day (Digital Voice Keyer): What is a Digital Voice Keyer?

Hardware which digitally records one’s voice for CQs, contest exchanges and other frequently spoken information. The recording is played back using keystrokes defined by software (or by pushing a button […]

an elaborate home ham radio station
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day (Cheerleading): What is Cheerleading in HAM Radio?

Everybody loves a cheerleader, right?  Not if you’re in the heat of a highly competitive Amateur Radio contest! Cheerleading describes the practice of a station or group of stations actively […]

HamVention 2019 aerial view

Check Out DX Engineering’s Booth at Hamvention 2019

With Hamvention 2019 just around the corner (May 17-19), operators from around the world are anticipating another exciting three days of immersing themselves in the world’s greatest hobby. Once again, […]

WiMo QRM Eliminator module box
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day (QRM): What is QRM in Ham Radio?

What is QRM…and why do so many Ham Radio abbreviations start with Q? Let’s answer the latter first. Original Q Codes (45 abbreviations beginning with the letter Q) were developed […]

ham radio operators in a group

For Those Who Operate QRP, Four Days in May is a Big QRO Deal

For many QRP enthusiasts, the main Amateur Radio event in May every year isn’t Hamvention®—it’s a much smaller gathering that appropriately celebrates operators who are well accustomed to doing more […]

US Ham Radio Band plan Infographic
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day (Band Edge): What is a Band Edge in Amateur Radio?

The band edge generally refers to the lowest (or highest) frequency in the band where one can legally operate within the limits of his/her license. For U.S. operators, for example, […]

a four square receive antenna array for ham radio
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day (4-Square): What is a 4-Square?

An increasingly common array of four vertical antennas arranged in a square that is electronically steered in four, switchable directions. Once used mostly as transmit antennas, particularly on lower frequencies […]