Technical Articles

Ham Radio Antenna Options for Home and Portable Operations
Products & Product Reviews / Technical Articles

Ham Radio Antenna Options for Home and Portable Operations

Most Hams dream of giant towers with large rotatable antenna arrays perched on top. However, many Hams can’t put up such workhorses. Some common issues we run up against are […]

assorted electrical fuses on a table
Products & Product Reviews / Technical Articles

Choosing and Installing Fuses

All non-product graphics are used courtesy of the American Radio Relay League from the 2020 Edition of the ARRL Handbook and the referenced QST articles. Fuses are components that “just […]

Sotabeams Carbon 6 antenna
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

Video: Easy Steps to Deploying an End-Fed Antenna in the Field

SOTABeams’ Richard, G3CWI, demonstrates how to set up an end-fed antenna in the field using a SOTABeams Carbon 6 Compact Ultra-Light Telescopic Mast and Bandspringer Midi HF Portable Antenna. As […]

man holding small radio antenna near a beach resort
Satellite Operation / Technical Articles

5 Tips on Etiquette and Good Manners on the FM Ham Radio Satellites

Manners are a good thing. They help us make a good impression and build our reputation at work, school, or any social gathering. We generally like hanging out with positive […]

Yaesu mobile ham radio transceiver
HAM Radio 101 / Technical Articles

CB Versus Ham Radio: Three Reasons They Aren’t the Same

1. Licensing or Lack Thereof Ham Radio requires operators to be licensed. In the United States, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is responsible for regulating the airwaves. Without a license, […]

man setting up a temporary ham radio station outside
Technical Articles

Video: Can FT8 Be Used in the Field?

Attention hilltoppers and chasers! In this video installment of Radio Adventures with SOTABeams’ Richard, G3CWI, he chats with amateur operator Tom, M1EYP, who shows how FT8 could be used with […]

a front/back shot of an old shortwave radio
Technical Articles

SWL in the Digital Age—One Way to Get Youth On Board

Based on previous articles in Amateur Radio magazines and on-air conversations, many of you, like me, may have gotten into Amateur Radio via Shortwave Listening (SWL). Some of you may […]

a pair of ham radio rf power amplifiers
Technical Articles

Guide to Amplifiers and Contesting—What’s Right for Your Station?

When it comes to contesting, are you ready to jump from “Little Pistol” to “Big Gun”? A “Big Gun” refers to a station equipped with all the bells and whistles, […]

ham plus antenna selector switch box
Technical Articles

Station Improvements: Inside During the Winter

Station repairs and upgrades can take place all year round, inside and out. That said, Hams who live where the chilly winds blow and the snow flies during the winter […]

a ham radio paddle keyer
Technical Articles

Choosing a CW Key or Paddle: Understanding What’s Available

Learning Morse code for CW operation has many similarities to learning how to play a musical instrument. Modulating the musician’s maxim about achieving success, “How do you get to the […]