Amateur Radio News

H.L. Hunley illustration
Amateur Radio News

Special Event Station N4HLH Honors the H.L. Hunley’s Civil War Victory as the First Submarine to Sink a Warship

On February 17, the Trident Amateur Radio Club will be operating from special event station N4HLH at Fort Moultrie on Sullivan’s Island, South Carolina to commemorate the 1864 historic sinking […]

Amateur Radio News

DX Engineering Gear Used During Recent KL7RRC Activation of St. Paul Island

Plus, OnAllBands does a quick wrap-up of DX Engineering-sponsored Swains Island W8S, Solomon Islands H44WA, and Timor-Leste 4W8X The busy 2023 DXpedition year came to a productive close in December […]

Amateur Radio News

OM Power Linear Amplifiers Now Sold Exclusively in North America Through DX Engineering

DX Engineering has been named the exclusive North American distributor of products from OM Power, a company that has been producing high-performance linear amplifiers for the ham radio community since […]

Amateur Radio News

OnAllBands Year in Review: The Ham Radio Year That Was…and Some of Our Favorite Blog Posts from 2023

Another busy year in amateur radio is almost history—and what a year it was! OnAllBands was excited to bear witness to all the hamfests, DXpeditions, contests, and new products that […]

Amateur Radio News

DX Engineering Honored by the Radio Club of America

The Radio Club of America (RCA) announced that DX Engineering and CEO Tim Duffy, K3LR, are the recipients of the 2023 RCA Business Award. From its website, the RCA noted […]

Amateur Radio News

New Product/Manufacturer Spotlight: VA6AM Band Pass Filters and Multiplexers

DX Engineering is pleased to announce that it is now carrying exceptional-quality, high-performance, and contest-proven HF band pass filters, diplexers, and triplexers by Pavel, VA6AM. VA6AM’s products have been relied […]

Amateur Radio News

Students Thrive on the Air at K8LPS Thanks to DX Engineering and a Community of Support

It takes a village to raise a radio station, so the saying goes. Or rather, it takes a community of supporters who understand the life-changing impact ham radio can have […]

Amateur Radio News

DX Engineering Acquires Line of KD9SV Amateur Radio Products

DX Engineering has announced that it has acquired the full line of amateur radio products from KD9SV—a company that has been producing breakthrough, performance-enhancing devices for low-band reception since 1987. […]

Swains Island Logo
Amateur Radio News

Watch Three Members of the Swains Island W8S 2023 Team Discuss this Rare Activation (VIDEO)

Are you ready for the W8S October 2023 Swains Island DXpedition? DX Engineering CEO Tim, K3LR, had the opportunity to talk with three members of the 10-operator international team of […]

Amateur Radio News

INDEXA Celebrates 40 Years of Supporting DXing with a Global Party

A Good Reminder to Upgrade Your Own Station’s Long-Distance Capabilities The International DX Association (INDEXA) is celebrating 40 years of service to the ham radio community with a party—and everyone’s […]