Articles written by: Wayne KE8JFW

World Wide Flora and Fauna logo
Amateur Radio News

Get Ready to “Get Your Park ON” October 14-20

A new operating event is prompting Amateur Radio enthusiasts in North America to get out of their shacks and experience the wonders of flora, fauna and frequencies. The Hams at […]

peter island
Events / Technical Articles

DXpeditions 101: What is a Pilot Station?

While there will be thousands of experienced Hams worldwide who will be attempting to make contact with Bouvet Island 3Y0Z, they will undoubtedly be joined in the pileups by scores […]

peter island
Events / Technical Articles

DXpeditions 101: What is an Operating Split?

First-time DXer? As a service to those who are new to this exciting part of Amateur Radio, DX Engineering is posting a series of articles you can use to get […]

Large Icom ham radio transceiver
Events / Technical Articles

DXpeditions 101: How Important is My Receiver?

While there will be thousands of experienced Hams worldwide who will be attempting to make contact with Bouvet Island 3Y0Z, they will undoubtedly be joined in the pileups by scores […]

peter island
Antenna Tech / Events / Technical Articles

DXpeditions 101: How Important is My Antenna?

While there will be thousands of experienced Hams worldwide who will be attempting to make contact with Bouvet Island 3Y0Z, they will undoubtedly be joined in the pileups by scores […]

peter island
Events / Technical Articles

DXpeditions 101: What is a Pileup?

While there will be thousands of experienced Hams worldwide who will be attempting to make contact with Bouvet Island 3Y0Z, they will undoubtedly be joined in the pileups by scores […]

DX Engineering ferrite noise cores
Products & Product Reviews

DX Engineering Expands Its Lineup of Color-Coded Ferrite RF Noise Reduction Kits

DX Engineering now offers Color-Coded Ferrite RF Noise Reduction Kits covering a wider range of uses. Kits contain toroids and snap-on beads for specific RF suppression applications (linear amplifiers, AM […]

WRTC Logo 2018

Get Psyched for the World Radiosport Team Championship 2018

After years of planning, fundraising and anticipation, the 2018 edition of the World Radiosport Team Championship in Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany is almost here. Two-person teams from around the globe will […]

WRTC Logo 2018

How You Can Participate in the 2018 World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC)

One of Amateur Radio’s premier contesting events, the World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC) is set to take place in historic Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany from July 12-16. Two-person teams from around […]

America Flag flying over a park pavilion
Events / Field Day / Technical Articles

Field Day Safety Checklist: 10 Safety Tips for Successful Field Day

While Field Day offers lots of opportunities for fun, there are many hazards as well. It’s why the ARRL encourages clubs to appoint a safety officer and assistants who are […]