Products & Product Reviews

antenna guy line tail kit
Products & Product Reviews

Time to Guy Your Antenna Tower? Why You Should Consider Phillystran Guy Lines and DX Engineering Tail Kits

When it’s time to guy your antenna tower, Amateur Operators don’t have an endless list of alternatives. A popular choice is to use continuous metal guy wires. While more economical, […]

Products & Product Reviews

Product Profile: Icom IC-705 HF/VHF/UHF D-STAR All Mode Portable Transceiver

More than 42,000 Hams from around the world flocked to this year’s Ham Fair (August 31-September 1) in Tokyo, hoping to get a first look at what’s on the horizon […]

Products & Product Reviews

Fiberglass Tubing Mast Kits are Great for On-the-Go Projects

DX Engineering has introduced four Complete Fiberglass Telescoping Tubing and Cam Lock Clamp Kits designed for fast deployment, easy transport, and reliable performance of temporary and portable antenna masts. Perfect […]

dx engineering thrust bearing
Products & Product Reviews

Antenna Mast Thrust Bearings: A Better Answer

Many an antenna rotator has met its untimely demise due to side-to-side stress and the inability to handle the dead weight from above. Among other benefits, antenna mast thrust bearings […]

3 heil pro set headset microphones
HAM Radio 101 / Products & Product Reviews

Guide to Choosing Heil Headsets for Amateur Radio

If you’re thinking about upgrading your station for the VP6R Pitcairn Island DXpedition (October 18 to November 1), you’re going to want high-quality audio equipment in your shack. You can’t […]

Ameritron rf radio power amplifier
HAM Radio 101 / Products & Product Reviews

Ham Radio Amplifiers Buyer’s Guide

If you’ve set your sights on logging an ATNO or filling bands during the Pitcairn Island VP6R 2019 DXpedition (October 18 to November 1), consider upgrading your DXing capabilities with […]

close up of a tubing end
Products & Product Reviews

When Constructing an Amateur Radio Antenna, Think Aluminum

Aluminum provides Amateur Radio antenna builders with a hat trick of benefits: good conductivity, easy handling due to its light weight, and signal-receiving capability that doesn’t degrade over time. Add […]

DX Engineering’s Color-Coded Ferrite Toroids
Products & Product Reviews

DX Engineering’s Color-Coded Ferrite Toroids

If you purchase ferrite components from most manufacturers, you’ll find that they all look pretty much alike: dark grey beads and toroids and rods without markings or other identification. This […]

close up of rf connector ends
HAM Radio 101 / Products & Product Reviews

How to Use DX Engineering’s Custom Cable Builder

Looking for a smart way to improve station performance without making a big investment? A good place to start is installing quality coaxial cables and connectors. How you choose to […]

icom IC-705 ham radio
Products & Product Reviews

Ham Fair Wrap-Up: The Latest Products from Ham Fair in Japan

More than 42,000 Hams from around the world flocked to this year’s Ham Fair (August 31-September 1) in Tokyo, hoping to get a first look at what’s on the horizon […]