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man in a blue shirt
HAM Radio 101

Bio: Tom Christian, VP6TC/VC6TC (SK)

For the next few days, our Word of the Day column will be focusing on the upcoming Pitcairn Island VP6R 2019 DXpedition scheduled for October 18 to November 1. For […]

close up of a tubing end
Products & Product Reviews

When Constructing an Amateur Radio Antenna, Think Aluminum

Aluminum provides Amateur Radio antenna builders with a hat trick of benefits: good conductivity, easy handling due to its light weight, and signal-receiving capability that doesn’t degrade over time. Add […]

Events / HAM Radio 101

Guide to October 2019 Contests

October should be a busy month for Ham Radio contesters. Here are a few highlights: Oceania DX Contest Phone (October 5-6) ARRL’s EME—50 to 1296 MHz (October 19-20): Work as […]

a series of coaxial ferrite insulators
Clifton Labs

Data on Ferrite Transformers

(Editor’s Note: The following article is from the archives of experimenter, inventor, friend of the Ham Radio community, and founder of Clifton Laboratories, Jack Smith, K8ZOA (SK).) In working on a […]

HAM Radio 101

What is the World Castles Award (

For many Hams, being an amateur operator is about more than simply getting on the air and logging QSOs. It’s about solving problems, conquering challenges, and, above all, learning new […]

jamboree on the air BSA Logo 2019
Events / HAM Radio 101

What is Jamboree-on-the-Air (Jota)

Teaching youth how to respond to emergencies has always been at the core of the Scouting program. Today, along with learning skills such as CPR and first aid, Scouts worldwide […]

group of ham radio operators working inside

Scouts Worldwide Prepare for Jamboree-on-the-Air 2019

In a few weeks, boys and girls from around the world will be celebrating a Ham Radio event that has captured the imaginations of countless youth for 61 years—Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA). […]

HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day: Lockout

A means of preventing two transmitters from keying or transmitting simultaneously. A hardware lockout accomplishes this task by inhibiting the transmit/key line on the different radios with a lockout circuit. […]

homemade ferrite core transformer
Clifton Labs

Designing an Easy Broadband RF Transformer

(Editor’s Note: The following article is from the archives of experimenter, inventor, friend of the Ham Radio community, and founder of Clifton Laboratories, Jack Smith, K8ZOA (SK).) In working on an […]

DX Engineering’s Color-Coded Ferrite Toroids
Products & Product Reviews

DX Engineering’s Color-Coded Ferrite Toroids

If you purchase ferrite components from most manufacturers, you’ll find that they all look pretty much alike: dark grey beads and toroids and rods without markings or other identification. This […]