On August 19-20, amateur radio operators will travel by land, sea, or sky to lighthouses and lightships across the globe to participate in International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend (ILLW), hosted by […]
Author’s Note: The article below represents the author’s views alone. In no way do they represent the thoughts or experiences of other individuals or represent the views of the executive […]
If shooting stars make you swoon, you better sit down because the 2023 Perseid Meteor Shower, with one of the year’s most awe-worthy shooting star displays, is currently active. To […]
Randy Thompson, K5ZD, joined Tim Duffy, K3LR, DX Engineering CEO, to discuss the results of the long-awaited 2023 World Radiosport Team Championship, which was postponed in 2022 and recently completed […]
The Dog Days of Summer still have some serious bite when it comes to ham radio contests. August offers up a great mix of events for just about everyone, including […]
QSL cards from the DX Engineering-sponsored 3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 DXpedition began arriving in mailboxes around the world in May. One of the recipients, Dave, N8NB, was kind enough to […]
DX Engineering has a long history of supporting young hams. The experienced operators at the company recognize the importance of extending opportunities to the bright and talented youngsters who represent […]
Independence Day is one of my favorite times of the year. Cookouts, friends and family, fireworks and, of course, the 13 Colonies Special Event. The 15th Annual 13 Colonies Special […]
Events / HAM Radio 101
If you’ve been to one—or several—you already know. If you haven’t, read on. You could be missing a good time! A hamfest is a convention of amateur radio enthusiasts, usually […]
Create some July fireworks of your own by taking part in a full slate of contests as we ease into mid-summer, including the quadrennial Olympics of ham radio. Before you […]