
The little red lighthouse in Fort Washington Park

International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend (August 19-20)—Hams Hit the High Seas to Raise Historical Awareness

On August 19-20, amateur radio operators will travel by land, sea, or sky to lighthouses and lightships across the globe to participate in International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend (ILLW), hosted by […]

rainbow over xenia during 2023 Dayton Hamvention

A Unique View of Dayton Hamvention®

Author’s Note: The article below represents the author’s views alone. In no way do they represent the thoughts or experiences of other individuals or represent the views of the executive […]


Participate in the 2023 MMMonVHF/DUBUS Meteorscatter Sprint Contest, August 12-14

If shooting stars make you swoon, you better sit down because the 2023 Perseid Meteor Shower, with one of the year’s most awe-worthy shooting star displays, is currently active. To […]

randy k5zd interview still photo

WRTC 2023 Wrap-Up: Interview with a Top-Ten Finisher (Video)

Randy Thompson, K5ZD, joined Tim Duffy, K3LR, DX Engineering CEO, to discuss the results of the long-awaited 2023 World Radiosport Team Championship, which was postponed in 2022 and recently completed […]


August 2023 Guide to Ham Radio Contests

The Dog Days of Summer still have some serious bite when it comes to ham radio contests. August offers up a great mix of events for just about everyone, including […]

3Y0J Bouvet Island DXpedition QSL Card

3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 QSL Cards Have Arrived!

QSL cards from the DX Engineering-sponsored 3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 DXpedition began arriving in mailboxes around the world in May. One of the recipients, Dave, N8NB, was kind enough to […]

large ham radio contesting station group

K3LR Super Station to Host Young Hams During the RSGB IOTA Contest on July 29

DX Engineering has a long history of supporting young hams. The experienced operators at the company recognize the importance of extending opportunities to the bright and talented youngsters who represent […]

13 colonies ham radio event banner

13 Colonies—a Truly Special Event

Independence Day is one of my favorite times of the year. Cookouts, friends and family, fireworks and, of course, the 13 Colonies Special Event. The 15th Annual 13 Colonies Special […]

inside 2003 Dayton Hamvention hara arena event hall
Events / HAM Radio 101

Hamfests—What’s in it for Me?

If you’ve been to one—or several—you already know. If you haven’t, read on. You could be missing a good time! A hamfest is a convention of amateur radio enthusiasts, usually […]


Guide to July 2023 Ham Radio Contests

Create some July fireworks of your own by taking part in a full slate of contests as we ease into mid-summer, including the quadrennial Olympics of ham radio. Before you […]