Amateur Radio News

video still of a ham radio conference call
Amateur Radio News / Uncategorized

Intrepid-DX Group Begins Preparations to Activate Bouvet Island in 2023 (Video)

For legions of longtime DXers, Bouvet Island (3Y) remains an elusive gem in their DXCC crown. And while North Korea (P5) may stand as the undisputed Holy Grail of contacts […]

Amateur Radio News

Help the NCVEC Create New Question Material for the 2022-2026 Technician’s Exam

Is your brain jam-packed with enthusiast-level Ham know-how that you’ve just been dying to share? Put it to practical use by submitting ideas for new and modified question material for […]

Amateur Radio News

Plans to Retrieve Titanic’s Marconi Wireless Radio Face Sinking Trajectory

In May of 2020, federal judge Rebecca Beach Smith ruled against the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) allowing salvage firm RMS Titanic, Inc. (RMST) the rights to retrieve the […]

Amateur Radio News

Invite DX Engineering CEO Tim Duffy, K3LR, to Your Amateur Radio Club Meeting

Whether your Amateur Radio club has started meeting in person or is still going the virtual route, keeping members fully engaged isn’t always easy. Here’s an idea that is sure […]

Amateur Radio News

Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS)—“Proudly Serving Those Who Serve”

You may be surprised to learn that MARS doesn’t always necessitate a fiery launch into orbit, conveniently-packaged freeze-dried snacks, or a red planet touchdown. This four-letter planetary reference is also […]

Amateur Radio News

Make Radio Contact with the International Space Station as a Ham Host!

If you’ve ever wanted to make your celestial debut—now is the perfect time! Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is searching the galaxy (okay, maybe just Earth) for […]

Amateur Radio News

A Very Happy Birthday, and Many Thanks to Heinrich Hertz!

German physicist Heinrich Hertz (February 22, 1857-January 1, 1894) accomplished much in his short 36 years of life—most notably, proving the existence of electromagnetic waves during his tenure as professor […]

Amateur Radio News

Radio Telegraphy High Speed Clubs—How Fast Can You Go?

In recent posts, we’ve highlighted events and groups geared toward giving CW beginners an opportunity to send and receive dits and dashes at a more leisurely pace. These include the […]

Amateur Radio News

Congresswoman and Kid Team Up to Pass Bill Recognizing April 18 as National Radio Operators Day!

At only twelve years old, Raymond Thomas Anderson, N7KCB, is already doing great things for amateur radio. He is the founder of Long Distance Responders and is using the organization […]

South Orkney island dxpedition team
Amateur Radio News

DX Engineering Ham Radio Year in Review

To say the least, 2020 will go down in the log books as the year no one could have predicted—and no one could have wanted. As we flipped our calendars […]