Articles written by: Ward Silver, N0AX

Technical Articles

Inductor Selection: Manufacturers Part Numbers

Amateurs have long used the Amidon ( part numbering system for ferrite and powdered iron toroid cores. For powdered iron cores, the Amidon part number begins with a T and […]

Technical Articles

Inductor Selection: Design Sensitivities

When you start designing your own circuits, one of the biggest challenges is not obtaining component values, but choosing from many different types of components all having the same value! […]

ham radio balun illustration
Clifton Labs / Technical Articles

Using Copper Tubing Windings on a Binocular-Core Transformer

It is often effective to use copper tubing as single-turn winding on a binocular-core transformer.  The tubing has extremely low losses and minimizes leakage inductance which extends the transformer’s high […]

Clifton Labs / Technical Articles

Permeability and Ferrite Material

Since the article was written in 2008, other types of ferrite material have been introduced with different characteristics over the MF and HF frequency ranges.  Type 31 has become popular […]

Technical Articles

Tips for Battery Replacement in Computers, Radios, or Lab Equipment

Due to the lower cost and better performance of non-volatile memory, it is now a common feature of microcontrollers. This reduces the need for batteries to provide backup power to […]

ferrite core winding
Technical Articles

How to Protect Wire from Ferrite

Before winding wire, particularly enameled wire, on a bare ferrite core, take steps to protect the wire from the abrasive ferrite’s edges and corners. If the core has an inside […]

West Mountain Radio Rigblaster module and CD-ROM
Technical Articles

CW Contesting (Part 2): Making QSOs for Real and Tips on Better Scores

In Part 1 of our series on CW Contesting, we looked at some of the basics of getting started. Today, we’ll delve further into making QSOs and tips on improving […]

ham radio paddle, computer, and keyer block diagram
Technical Articles

CW Contesting (Part 1): Getting Started

Most days, the CW bands are kind of quiet.  But on certain days, suddenly there are stations tuning up, conducting short QSOs, and then at the top of an hour […]

a multi-radio ham radio station diagram
Technical Articles

Using Transformers for Impedance Matching vs. Isolation

Transformers for Impedance Matching One of a transformer’s important functions is impedance transformation. Impedance transformation is just changing the ratio of voltage-to-current in one winding to a different ratio of […]

MFJ Voice Keyer module for ham radio
Technical Articles

Guide to Low-Power Contesting (Part 2): Techniques and Tips on Making QSOs

In Part 1 of our series on low-powering contesting, we looked at the basic equipment you’ll need. Today, let’s touch on a few tips on competing, contest resources, and opportunities […]