Articles written by: Elizabeth Klinc, KE8FMJ

Elizabeth Klinc, KE8FMJ, is District Emergency Coordinator, D3 Ohio ARES.

Technical Articles

Ham Mobile Install–A Few Suggestions for Dealing with Noise Issues

In this installment of Ham Mobile Install, we will talk about what happens when you have followed the mobile radio installation instructions to the letter, but there is still something […]

Technical Articles

Ham Mobile Install—Power Options

In this installment of Ham Mobile Install, we will discuss powering options for your mobile radios. There are several options to explore, depending on the power of the transceiver and […]

Technical Articles

Ham Mobile Install–Mounting Your Radio

In this installment of Ham Mobile Install, it’s all about mounting options for your mobile radio—the where and how of making sure the transceiver or head is in a place […]

Technical Articles

Ham Mobile Install: A Few Things to Consider about Transceiver Placement and Detachable Heads

In this installment of Ham Mobile Install, we will talk about selecting a radio, where to mount it in the vehicle, and placing a detachable head. When choosing a mobile […]

Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

Installing Your Ham Radio Mobile Antenna on a Vehicle

In this installment of Ham Mobile Install, we will be discussing ways to set up an antenna for mobile operations. Remember, the goal here is to get on the air […]

echolink graphic
Technical Articles

Ham Radio Tech: EchoLink & Broadcastify

So where else can radio be handy? In what ways has technology helped us expand our love for radio? There are quite a few ways amateur radio can be mixed […]

Is PSK31 Still a Thing?
Technical Articles

Is PSK31 Still a Thing?

Who has used PSK31? More accurately, who has used it lately? And I don’t mean for any contests dedicated solely to PSK31, but as an actual mode of communication. What […]

Assorted Antenna Adapters
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

Building an Antenna Adapter Collection and Keeping Track of It

When I first became an amateur radio operator, I wasn’t sure what direction I wanted to take within the hobby. Not yet knowing where my interests lay or what I […]

Field Day / Products & Product Reviews / Technical Articles

Ham Radio Headphones, Headsets, and Speaker Microphones in the Field

One of my favorite parts of ham radio is public service events. It is sure a lot of fun to help serve the community. One thing you quickly notice, though, […]

Technical Articles

AUXC Qualification in Ohio

Most people know about the AUXCOMM course from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). For those who do not, here is a quick rundown from my previous AUXCOMM article: The […]