Articles written by: OnAllBands

MFJ Multi-Band CW Transceiver Box
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day (QRP): What Does QRP Mean?

The 2019 QRP Amateur Radio Club International (ARCI) “Four Days in May” (FDIM) begins May 16 and runs until May 19. For the uninitiated, what does QRP mean? QRP is […]

ham radio crowd at event
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day: Four Days in May (Dayton)

Today’s Word of the Day is actually a quartet of words: Four Days in May (May 16-19). Held the same time as Hamvention®, the 2019 QRP Amateur Radio Club International […]

woman speaking at a ceremony
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day: Youth Forum

Today, we highlight Hamvention 2019 (May 17-19) in our Word of the Day column. For the 32nd straight year, Carole Perry, WB2MPG, will moderate the event’s Youth Forum, featuring young […]

Hamvention logo 2019
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day (Hamvention): Hamvention Overview

With Hamvention 2019 (May 17-19) only a week away, we thought it appropriate to make this annual celebration of everything Amateur Radio our Word of the Day. For Hams from […]

Ham Nation 400th episode teaser video still
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day: Ham Nation

Ham Nation is a weekly show on TwiT.TV (This Week in Tech) that provides new and experienced Hams with education and entertainment about Amateur Radio in all its forms. The […]

an alicno handheld ham radio and CR-ROM
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day: What is an HT in HAM Radio?

You’ve studied hard and just earned your FCC Technician License. Congratulations! If you’re like most Hams, you’re eager to get started with your new hobby, and that means purchasing a […]

VP6DI QSL card from Ducie Island
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day: DXpedition

If you’ve just earned your Amateur Radio license, you’ve probably heard the word “DXpedition” tossed around a few times. For many, it’s a word that represents one of the most […]

DX Engineering ham radio grid square map
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day (Grid Square): What is My HAM Radio Grid Square?

An alphanumeric geographical coordinate system, based on the Maidenhead Locator System developed by VHF enthusiasts in 1980, in which the entire globe is divided into equal-sized rectangles which are denoted […]

electrical multimeter
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day (Multimeter): What is a Multimeter Used For?

All-in-one electronic test equipment that measures current, voltage and resistance in a circuit. This handy device is useful for locating faulty wiring, and testing electrical components, power supplies and system […]

Geochron world clock with daylight display
HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day (Gray Line): What is Gray Line Propagation?

The gray line, or daylight/darkness terminator, is a constantly moving circle around the earth where a daylight/darkness transition is taking place. When this circle is over your QTH, potentially enhanced […]