HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day: Ham Nation

Ham Nation is a weekly show on TwiT.TV (This Week in Tech) that provides new and experienced Hams with education and entertainment about Amateur Radio in all its forms. The hour-plus long videocast is hosted by folks who really know their way around the shack—Bob Heil, Gordon West, George Thomas, Don Wilbanks, Valerie Hotzfeld, Amanda Alden and Dale Puckett. The show is recorded live every Wednesday at 9 pm Eastern/6 pm Pacific. Topics include everything from creative tips on hiding your antenna to AMSAT, EMCOMM around the world to Field Day safety. For a taste of what you’ll see, check out the 400th episode featuring Tim Duffy, K3LR, DX Engineering’s chief operating officer, rock superstar and longtime Ham Joe Walsh, WB6ACU, a producer and cast member of Last Man Standing, and other esteemed guests who showed up to toast this milestone in the show’s history.


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