
Special Event to Celebrate the First Two-Way Transatlantic QSO on November 18

The Amateur Radio Club of Savannah (ARCS) will be onboard the Nuclear Ship Savannah (N.S. Savannah), a designated National Historic Landmark docked in Baltimore for a special operating event on Saturday, November 18. The commemorative event celebrates the first transatlantic two-way radio contact made by amateur radio operators in November of 1923.

The groundbreaking QSO, which lasted almost two hours, took place between American ham and ARRL traffic manager, Fred Schnell, 1MO/W4CF, and French operator, Leon Deloy, 8AB. It would be replicated the same night just a few hours later by Deloy and John Reinartz, 1XAM/K6BJ. Both Schnell and Reinartz are reputed to have worked Deloy on about a 100-meter wavelength. 

According to a report in QST, Deloy had visited the United States a few months earlier with an “avowed intention” to span the Atlantic by radio that winter. To prepare, he even attended the ARRL Convention in Chicago. Perhaps preparation really is the key to success. Assuming that is, indeed, the case, we suggest planning to participate in this special November 18 event. Details are below. To learn more about upcoming special events, please visit the ARRL website.

Event details: K3S will be QRV on 40/20/15/10M CW and SSB with a single 500W transmitter. Operation is planned from 1400Z to 2200Z. Please check the spotting networks for the frequency. QSL via K3S.

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