Satellite Operation / Technical Articles

Operating Amateur Radio Satellites (Part 1): Learn the Basics of Operating Amateur Radio Satellites

Editor’s Note: Welcome to OnAllBands’ new video series on the fun and challenges of contacting Amateur Radio satellites! Your host is Sean Kutzko, KX9X, OnAllBands blogger, former AMSAT Volunteer Coordinator, and experienced satellite operator.

This first installment of Sean Kutzko’s Space Race video series covers the basics of satellite operating, which is open to all Hams, including those with Technician licenses. You’ll learn some of the advantages of satellite operating, types of Amateur Radio satellites, what occurs during a satellite pass, and DXing capabilities that extend far beyond UHF/VHF operating.

Look for upcoming videos covering the equipment you’ll need, specifics about contacting FM and linear satellites, and plenty of tips and tricks on maximizing your success.

Want to get started right away? Reach out to DX Engineering for expert assistance and gear, including handheld transceivers, mobile transceivers, base station satellite-friendly transceivers, and handheld satellite antennas.

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