In the market for an antenna that’s portable, lightweight, easy to set up, versatile, and effective for SOTA, POTA, Field Day, or any outdoor ops?
DX Engineering’s Michael Murphy, KI8R, takes a look at two new SOTA Activation Zone Portable HF Antennas from Chameleon—the AZ1 end-fed (60-10M, 42 feet, non-resonant, antenna tuner required) and AZ2 linked dipole (40/20/10M, 66 feet, antenna tuner not required).
KI8R shows how easy it is to get on the air with these 100W SSB/50W CW-Digital models, discusses configuration options, and talks about his own experiences trying out the AZ1: “It’s wild what you can do with five watts and a wire!”
Chameleon Antenna SOTA Activation Zone Model 1 Portable HF Antenna

Chameleon Antenna SOTA Activation Zone Model 2 Portable HF Antenna

Check out the full lineup of amateur radio equipment from Chameleon Antenna at, including counterpoise kits for portable deployments, the EMCOMM-III-P portable HF antenna, and the popular MPAS 2.0 portable HF antenna.