
Meet New DX Engineering Sales/Technical Support Specialist Jeff Steinman, N5TJ

The DX Engineering support team continues to grow in impressive ways. We are thrilled to announce the addition of longtime amateur radio operator, accomplished contester, and enthusiastic Elmer – Jeff Steinman, N5TJ to the list of active operators who bring unrivaled experience and wise advice to both new and veteran hams looking for the right gear for their stations.

First licensed in 1978 at age 14 as N0AQK, Jeff, “TJ,” was bitten by the DX bug early on during a productive sunspot cycle. His original goal was to stay on SSB. Jeff says he had much better success working CW stations and purchased his first iambic paddle. Upgraded to Extra Class in 1981 as KR0Y and now holding the vanity call N5TJ, Jeff has mostly operated over the years as a guest operator during contests, both domestically and internationally including WRTC events. He has also operated from the DX side a few times, mostly during the CQ WW. Jeff enjoys operating HF with an end-fed long wire and chasing new grid squares on 6 meters with a Moxon. He mostly operates CW along with digital on 6 meters.

Watch DX Engineering CEO Tim Duffy, K3LR, interview Jeff in the video below:


Look for more profiles of DX Engineering team members on OnAllBands in the days ahead!

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