Editor’s Note: Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. To highlight upcoming DXpeditions, we’ll be displaying a few of our favorite cards along with details about what it took to make these contacts. We’re excited to share some of the special cards pulled from the thousands we’ve received over the years. We look forward to seeing your cards as well!
QSL Cards from Around the Globe
As we say goodbye to January, OnAllBands has set its sights on an array of February DXpeditions. For each activation highlighted below, we’ve included one QSL card from a member of the DX Engineering team.
PJ2 will be active on HF from February 20 to March 3. Operators are W1USN as PJ2/W1USN, AA1M as PJ2/AA1M, and W1SR as PJ2/W1SR. Below is a QSL card belonging to DX Engineering CEO Tim, K3LR, from PJ2T—ham radio’s most-logged call sign. The card commemorates the 5oth anniversary of the six-operator PJ3CC 1967 CQWW CW Multi-Multi victory—the first-ever contest operation from the now-legendary station in Coral Cliff, Curacao. Click here for more Curacao QSL cards and some onsite operating photos from the DX Engineering team. Curacao, an island country in the southern Caribbean Sea, was the 236th Most-Wanted DXCC Entity per Clublog as of December.

St. Kitts and Nevis
V47JA by W5JON from Calypso Bay is scheduled to be active until February 15 on 160-6M SSB and FT8. Back in 2015, Tom KB8UUZ, DX Engineering technical writer, received the below QSL card from V47JA in St. Kitts—the smallest sovereign state in the Western Hemisphere in both area (101 square miles) and population (47,600). St. Kitts and Nevis, located in the West Indies about 108 miles northwest of Guadeloupe, was ranked as the 187th Most-Wanted DXCC Entity per Clublog as of December.

Solomon Islands
H44MS by DL2GAC is scheduled to be active from February 15 to April 30 on HF in SSB and FT8. George, K3GP, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist, received the below card from the H40XX DXpedition from the Temotu Province (formerly Santa Cruz Islands), the easternmost province of the Solomon Islands, in 2002 on 15M CW. The Solomon Islands—six major islands and 900 smaller ones in the South Pacific Ocean, was the 73rd Most-Wanted DXCC Entity per Clublog as of December.

9U4WX by OK2WX from Bujumbura is scheduled to be active from February 4-27 on 80-10M CW and SSB. With a population of over one million, Bujumbura is the country’s economic capital and largest city. The Republic of Burundi, a mostly rural landlocked nation between the African Great Lakes region and East Africa, was the 64th Most-Wanted DXCC Entity per Clublog as of December. Mark, W8BBQ, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist, contacted the 9U0A Burundi DXpedition in November 2010.

Cocos (Keeling) Islands
VK9CVG by G0VJG is scheduled to be active from the Cocos (Keeling) Islands (IOTA OC-003) February 17-24 on 80-10M in SSB with some FT8. The Cocos (Keeling) Islands—a small archipelago and Australian external territory of 27 islands in the Indian Ocean—was the 76th Most-Wanted DXCC Entity per Clublog as of December. Tom, KB8UUZ, received the below QSL card from the VK9CK 2016 Cocos (Keeling) Islands DXpedition for contacting them on 20M SSB and 17M CW. The VK9CK team operated from West Island, population of about 120. Home Island is the territory’s only other inhabited locale.

Want to upgrade your DXing capabilities? The Elmers at DX Engineering are here to lend an ear. Reach out to them at Elmer@DXEngineering.com. Find everything you need at DXEngineering.com to up your game, including transceivers, antennas, amplifiers, headsets, and more.