

Guide to February 2024 Ham Radio Contests

As we’ve done the last couple of years on OnAllBands, we’re devoting our February contest guide to ham radio couples who may have found their perfect match while building a […]


It’s All in the Cards! QSL Cards from DXCC Entities on the Air in February

OnAllBands is rounding out our QSL card posts for the month with a brief look at several entities that will be active in February, along with QSL cards from the […]


Start Planning for Dayton Hamvention® 2024! What to Expect at the World’s Greatest Celebration of Amateur Radio. If you’ve purchased your ARRL 2024 Calendar and flipped ahead to spring, you […]


It’s All in the Cards! QSL Cards from Yemen

Yemen QRV in January and February Vlad, OK2WX, is scheduled to activate Yemen from January 25 to February 12—an excellent opportunity for hams to log this 44th most-wanted entity (as […]


Participate in Straight Key Month 2024 this January: Straight, Bug, and Cootie Keys, Oh My!

So, you’ve mastered Morse code! But does that include dit-dit-dahing the old-school way using manual CW operation on a mechanical key like a bug, straight key, or cootie? If it […]

Contest University crowd shot

Guide to 2024 Ham Radio Contests

Contest University Only Five Months Away—Register Today! We begin the year’s first ham radio contest guide with exciting news: Registration for Contest University 2024 is officially open. The 15th year […]


It’s All in the Cards! QSL Cards from Clipperton Island

Clipperton Island QRV in January OnAllBands is excited to kick off 2024’s QSL card posts by featuring the long-anticipated TX5S DXpedition t0 Clipperton Island. Per its website, the TX5S team […]

Guyana Team with Transceivers

Get Ready for the DX Engineering-Sponsored Guyana DXpedition Highlighting the Next Generation of Operators

It is rare when DXpedition teams include youthful operators, say, age 25 and younger. Most ventures to remote locales are made up of a mix of seasoned operators who have […]


Amateur Radio: The Ultimate WWII Ally, Plus December Special Events to Remember Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor: A Catalyst to War One hour and fifteen minutes. That’s how long it took for Japanese forces to bomb Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, with devastating results. […]


Guide to December 2023 Ham Radio Contests

As we bid farewell to another year, it’s a good time to reflect on ways we can improve our ham radio capabilities or maybe even add another pursuit, such as […]