CW Activating 101: Managing Partial Calls
I recently received a question from Richard, who asked: “Is it rude to always [add] a ‘?’ with a partial call? And how do you do partials with everyone jumping […]
I recently received a question from Richard, who asked: “Is it rude to always [add] a ‘?’ with a partial call? And how do you do partials with everyone jumping […]
Park and summit activating has grown in popularity over the past few years. Indeed, it’s to the point that pileups are not at all uncommon. Here in the U.S., I […]
I receive a lot of messages from my readers/subscribers noting that they would love to do POTA or SOTA activations, but either 1) park entities are too far away/inaccessible, or […]
In Parts One and Two of our field antenna series we looked at a sampling of resonant and non-resonant field antennas. One of the practical differences between resonant and non-resonant […]
In Part One of our series on choosing field-portable HF antennas, we discussed some of the factors involved in making a decision. We looked at the practical side of matching […]
I’d estimate that about 90% of my on-the-air time lately is spent in the field. Indeed, since the first day I was licensed back in 1997, I’ve looked for any […]