If you look in the dictionary under the word “diverse,” you won’t find Chelegance mentioned, but you probably should. The offerings from this ham radio provider run the gamut from a Tilt Stand Bracket Kit for Yaesu FT-817/FT-818 transceivers to a 3 GHz Mini Vector Network Analyzer and Golden Brass Iambic Double Paddle Key. So what does a company that combines fine CW instruments, powerful and portable VNAs, and legs for mobile transceivers do for an encore?
Here are a few of the stellar additions to the Chelegance lineup now available at DXEngineering.com:
MC-750 Portable HF Vertical Antenna
Covering 40 through 6 meters and handling up to 100 watts, this no-tools-required antenna system is easy to set up and disassemble. Its antenna base features a built-in ground spike and female SO-239 connector and jacks for up to four preassembled, 11.48-foot counterpoise radials (included). The antenna functions as a quarter-wave vertical ground plane antenna for the 14-50 MHz frequency range while using the included 17-foot telescoping whip. Also included is a loading coil for operating in the 7 MHz/40M band. The kit comes with a 1.64-foot extension, cable winder, and carrying bag.

JPC-12 Portable HF Vertical Antenna
Recently called out in this K4SWL OnAllBands article on choosing the right resonant HF field antenna, the 40 through 6 meter JPC-12 is built for easy assembly and excellent performance. You receive a special antenna base with SO-239, ground stake, counterpoise wire set, manual tuning multi-band coil, heavy-duty aluminum tubes with threaded studs, stainless telescopic whip, and carrying bag. With a manually tuned center-mount coil and whip adjustments, expect good results from 7 MHz and up. It handles up to 100 watts and can be quickly put together to connect with a user-supplied coax for use on the go.

What do hams say about the JPC-12?
Five Stars: “Exactly what I was looking for. Low profile, low impact, good performance. I love this portable antenna! I’ve used it on several successful POTA activations on many HF bands (12, 20, 30, & 40). Sets up in a few minutes. Pairs well with the KX3 with ATU. Clever design, nice soft case included.”
Deshibo GA-450 Active Indoor Shortwave Loop Antenna
Boasting HF receive from 2.3 to 30 MHz (SW) and AM Broadcast receive from 522 to 1710 kHz (MW), this eight-inch diameter mini-loop antenna is an excellent addition whether you’re at home or out of the shack in a camper or RV. It features a control base and BNC loop connector, gain control, USB-C charging port, internal battery, and female BNC output. You also receive male BNC-to-BNC and BNC to 3.5mm adapter cables for connection to your receiver and a USB A to USB C cable to connect charging power from a laptop (AC adapter not included).

Visit DXEngineering.com for details on the entire Chelegance lineup.