Editor’s Note: Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. To highlight upcoming DXpeditions, we’ll be displaying a few of our favorite cards along with details about what it took to make these contacts. We’re excited to share some of the special cards pulled from the thousands we’ve received over the years. We look forward to seeing your cards as well!
Republic of Kosovo QRV in October
In early 2018, Hams around the world had a rare opportunity to log All-Time New Ones as part of “Mission Goodwill Kosovo,” Z60A, an event that kicked off the addition of the Republic of Kosovo as a DXCC entity. It was the first ARRL-sanctioned activity from Kosovo, which was officially designated as a DXCC entity on January 21, 2018. Before going QRT on March 12, the 30-day Z60A DXpedition recorded 98,530 contacts, with 35,400 individual call signs from 174 DXCC entities.
Making this effort possible were amateur operators who traveled from near and far to take part in this once-in-a-lifetime activation. The event both celebrated Kosovo’s status as the 340th DXCC entity and commemorated the tenth anniversary of its independence, which was declared in February 2008.
DX Engineering Lent Its Support
To help boost local activity during Z60A, DX Engineering provided a Butternut HF9V 9-Band Vertical Antenna. The 26-foot vertical covered 80 through 6 meters and was part of the ongoing operation. DX Engineering has been the exclusive manufacturer of Butternut Antennas since 2015. DX Engineering also provided DXE Brand RG-8X PL-259 Low-Loss 50-ohm Coax Cable Assemblies.
Z66DX Kosovo 2020
For a brief time, Kosovo snagged the #1 most-wanted DXCC entity spot ahead of North Korea and Bouvet Island. By February 21, Kosovo’s rank had dropped to #9. By September 2020, Kosovo’s ranking had tumbled to #87, according to Clublog. This number is likely to fall even further thanks to the Z66DX DXpedition scheduled for October 15-28 from Pristina, Kosovo’s capital city. Using ICOM IC-7300s, a German team (DM2AUJ, DL2AWG, DL2AMD, DL9GFB, DJ9KH, and DL3APO) plans to operate on SSB, CW, FT8, and RTTY on 160-10M. As with all DXpeditions during this uncertain time, be sure to check Z66DX’s current status as the operating date approaches. Find complete details at the team’s website.
Along with providing gear for Kosovo’s initial activation, the Hams at DX Engineering actively worked the new entity, including sales manager Scott, N3RA, who made contact with Z60A on 40M CW. Tom, KB8UUZ, DX Engineering technical writer, received this QSL card from Z60A “Mission Goodwill Kosovo,” as well as a card from the Z68BH pre-DXCC-entity operation in October 2013 orchestrated by famed DXpeditioner Martti, OH2BH.

Dave, N8NB, DX Engineering technical support specialist and member of the DXCC Honor Roll, worked Z60A on 20M SSB, and 80M and 20M CW. He also received a QSL card (before Z6 became an approved prefix) by making contact with Z60WW on 15M SSB back in 2012.

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