Gear Provided by DX Engineering to Play an Important Role
Back in December 2024, OnAllBands featured Marshall Islands QSL cards from members of the DX Engineering team, including this one from Tom, KB8UUZ, DX Engineering technical writer:

We’re pleased to once again devote a blog post to the Republic of the Marshall Islands—a series of 29 coral atolls, five main islands, and more than 1,200 smaller islands in the Micronesia region of the northwestern Pacific Ocean. From Feb. 11-23, the V73WW DXpedition team will be manning four stations (160-6M) in CW, SSB, RTTY, and FT8 from this 109th Most Wanted DXCC Entity (per Clublog as of January 2025).
The DXpedition is a venture of the Next Generation DX Group, extremely skilled hams who fall on the younger side of the amateur radio spectrum. Despite their age, all members bring vast experience to the activation. V73WW is made up of team leader Philipp, DK6SP (age 27); co-leader Sven, DJ4MX (age 22); Tomi, HA8RT (age 26); Jamie, M0SDV (age 24); Yannick, DK1YH (age 21); and the elder statesman of the DXpedition, Braco, E77DX (age 50).

Per the group’s website, they are aiming for 60,000-plus QSOs, with 2,000 of them being RTTY. Another focus will be low-band operations. V73WW hopes to benefit from lower noise levels thanks to the team’s rural QTH. Also look for V73WW as a coveted multiplier during the ARRL DX CW Contest Feb. 15-16. For detailed and up-to-date information, visit the V73WW website and Facebook page.
Equipment from DX Engineering Makes the Trip to the Marshall Islands
From a tiny headset adapter to a 32.8-foot vertical antenna, every piece of equipment matters when you’re thousands of miles away from an amateur radio parts supplier. That’s why DXpeditioners depend on DX Engineering for quality gear they can trust from the world’s most reliable manufacturers. DX Engineering was excited to support V73WW with the following mission-critical gear:

Also look for the V73WW team sporting classic DX Engineering Dual-Logo T-shirts—not mission-critical but very cool nonetheless:

Look for updates on V73WW on OnAllBands in the weeks ahead.