Amateur Radio News

Get Ready to “Get Your Park ON” October 14-20

A new operating event is prompting Amateur Radio enthusiasts in North America to get out of their shacks and experience the wonders of flora, fauna and frequencies.

The Hams at DX Engineering will be joining the hunt to log QSOs with active parks in the U.S., Canada and Mexico during Get Your Park ON, October 14-20. It’s sponsored by World Wide Flora and Fauna in Amateur Radio (WWFF), an organization that encourages Hams to “make nature your shack.”

Similar to ARRL’s 2016 National Parks on the Air (NPOTA), Get Your Park ON gives Hams the opportunity to set up portable stations at state parks and forests, national monuments and protected nature habitats. Operators who choose to stay in the great indoors can be part of the fun by making contact with as many activators as possible. Both activators and hunters can win awards by uploading their activity to the WWFF system.

John Myers, KD8MQ, a member of WWFF and the Portage County (Ohio) Amateur Radio Service, is one of many participants who jumped at the chance to take his rig on the road. He will be active for two days at separate Ohio State parks operating a Yaesu FT-450. Over the years Myers has deployed everything from a mobile Outbacker antenna to his homebrew G5RV. He runs between 50 and 100 watts of power, depending on the circumstances.

“I have a pair of 17Ah batteries that I charge via a battery isolator and connect to the radio via a RIGrunner,” said the former NPOTA participant. “Both the isolator and RIGrunner were purchased from DX Engineering. I love having DX Engineering pretty much right in my backyard.”

Get Your Park ON kicks off at 0000 UTC on October 14 and continues through 2359 UTC on October 20. The event coincides with Earth Science Week, an international celebration that promotes Earth sciences and good stewardship of our planet.

The goal of the WWFF program is to draw attention to the importance of protecting nature, flora and fauna, while providing Hams with an interesting operating activity. WWFF hopes to have parks in all 50 states on the air.

“I feel that operating portable from a park is some of the most fun you can have on the radio,” Myers said. “Not everyone can afford to go on a DXpedition to an exotic location, but just about everyone can afford to go to a park and put a station on the air. And you can still be home in time for dinner.”

Need any last-minute upgrades for your temporary station in time for Get Your Park ON? DX Engineering is ready to help.

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