
The DX Engineering Team Salutes Ducie Island VP6D 2018

The VP6D Ducie Island 2018 QSL cards have arrived!

Teri K8MNJ, DX Engineering Hamfest/DXpedition coordinator, worked the VP6D DXpedition on 40, 20, 17, 15 and 12 meters SSB. Here’s the QSL card she received on February 13.


In all, 13 members of the DX Engineering team captured this great-looking QSL card, featuring the VP6D’s vertical antenna setup on the beach and an inside photo of the majestic Braveheart, the vessel which transported the operators and crew. Our DXers filled bands and scored All-Time New Ones on 160 through 10 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8, as well as RTTY on 40 through 12 meters.

Here are the DX Engineering operators who made QSOs with the Ducie Island team: Ed K8IV, Melanie K8KSU, Teri K8MNJ, Tom KB8UUZ, Jeff KB8ZWT, Rod KS8U, Dave N8NB, Bob W5OV, Mark W8BBQ, George K3GP, Tim K3LR, John KJ3X, and Cory W3CDG. A QSL card was also received for N8DXE, DX Engineering’s employee amateur radio club station located in its showroom near Akron, Ohio.

DX Engineering was a proud sponsor of the DXpedition—the first one to Ducie Island since the highly successful VP6DX DXpedition in 2008.

Gear from DX Engineering helped to make the VP6D DXpedition a success, including premium antenna wire, foot switches, radial wire kits, and the COM-ACB-40-A Hybrid Four-Square System, with Four-Square Switch Relay Unit for 40 Meters and Four-Square Control Console. For a complete list of DX Engineering equipment used on Ducie Island between October 20 and November 3, click here.

How successful was the DXpedition? It dropped Ducie Island—an an uninhabited and rarely visited atoll in the Pitcairn Islands—from #19 (when the DXpedition began) to #59 on ClubLog’s DXCC Most Wanted List as of February 2019.

On behalf of all of us at DX Engineering, we salute the entire VP6D Ducie Island team for a job well done!

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