Articles written by: Wayne KE8JFW

DX Engineering coaxial surge protector
Products & Product Reviews

Why You Need DX Engineering’s Receive Feedline Surge Protector

When it comes to protecting your valuable equipment, “better safe than sorry” is a motto no Ham Radio operator should take for granted. Like any type of insurance policy, surge […]

Ohio State Parks on the Air logo

Guide to September 2020 Ham Radio Contests

As we fondly bid farewell (okay, maybe not so fondly) to a summer of missed in-person get-togethers and social distancing, we welcome in a host of Ham radio contests to […]

Antarctica Ham Radio QSL Card

It’s All in the Cards! Making Contact with Antarctica

Editor’s Note: Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. Usually we showcase ones from entities that are currently active or will soon be QRV. […]

top of a yaesu handheld ham radio
Products & Product Reviews

Product Profile: Yaesu’s 2M/220/70cm Heavy-Duty Ultra-Compact FM Handheld Transceiver

It’s always exciting news when OnAllBands learns about a great amateur radio rig made even better. So when Yaesu announced that there was a new and improved speaker microphone available […]

ham radio kit with case, wire antenna, and Icom radio
Products & Product Reviews

DX Engineering Starter Packages: A Smart Way to Kick Start Your Ham Radio Career

Why do so many Hams study hard to get their Technician licenses but never actually get on the air? Why do operators enter the hobby with great enthusiasm but then […]

DX Engineering three antenna phasing control box
Products & Product Reviews

Why a Three Antenna Phasing System Can Be a DX and Contesting Game-Changer

Say you’re a contester who’s serious about winning, or a DXer truly trying to “work the world,” even the rarest of the rare. You’ve got a killer setup–three high-quality stacked […]

Icom IC-703 ham radio head unit
Products & Product Reviews

ICOM’s Portable All Mode IC-705 Transceiver Is Coming. Have You Thought About an Upgraded Antenna?

For those chomping at the bit to get their hands on ICOM’s IC-705 HF/50/144/430 MHz All Mode Portable Transceiver, you can get ahead of the game by having an upgraded […]

ZS8M QSL card from Prince Edward Islands

It’s All in the Cards! QSLs from Prince Edward Islands

Editor’s Note: Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. Usually we showcase ones from entities that are currently active or will soon be QRV. […]

Amateur Radio News

Scientists Forecast that Solar Cycle 25 Could Actually Be Epic for Ham Radio Operators

While predictions from solar physicists about the fate of Solar Cycle 25 have been categorically tepid up to this point, there may be more than just a ray of hope […]


DX Engineering to Feature Ham Radio Manufacturers Weekly on Facebook Live

Ever wanted to ask a Ham Radio manufacturing company a question about the equipment it designs, manufactures, and sells? Maybe you’ve always wanted to say how much you appreciate the […]