Articles written by: Michael Murphy, KI8R

Icom IC-705 HF/50/144/430 MHz All Mode Portable Transceiver
HAM Radio 101

So, You’re Ready to Buy Your First HF Transceiver. Now What?

Whether you just got your license, or you have been in the hobby for a while, your interests may be leading you to explore the HF bands. For many of […]

Hand-Held transceiver
Technical Articles

So, You’re Ready to Buy Your First Handheld Transceiver. Now What?

You just got your first license. Congratulations! Now you are ready to buy your first radio. For many of us, our first radio was a handheld (HT) transceiver. On the […]

broken bolts caused by galling
Technical Articles

Ham Radio Tech 101: What Causes Galling & How Can You Prevent It?

You are just wrapping up the installation of your new antenna on your tower. You slip a bolt through the clamp and begin to tighten the nut when, suddenly, the […]

Product Reviews

Product Review: Chelegance MC-750 Portable HF Vertical Antenna

I got interested in Parks on the Air (POTA) earlier this year and have had an opportunity to use several different antennas in various parks. The antennas I used were […]