Search Results for: tower safety

man climbing a ham radio tower
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

Amateur Radio Tower Safety (Part 5): Climbing with Positioning Gear

OnAllBands is proud to present the fifth and final Installment of DX Engineering’s Amateur Radio Tower Safety Video Series. Tim Jellison, W3YQ, covers the importance of always being 100% tied […]

repair worker climbing a tall radio tower
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

Amateur Radio Tower Safety (Part 4): Fall Arrest Gear and More

OnAllBands is proud to present the fourth Installment of DX Engineering’s Amateur Radio Tower Safety Video Series. Tim Jellison, W3YQ, covers the importance of wearing a full body harness when […]

close up of a climber hooking on a carabiner
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

Amateur Radio Tower Safety (Part 3): Rigging a Load on a Tower

In the third installment of DX Engineering’s Amateur Radio Tower Safety Video Series, Tim Jellison, W3YQ, discusses the differences between rock-climbing gear that’s non-rated for human suspension and the proper […]

ham radio antennas near dark storm clouds
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

Amateur Radio Tower Safety (Part 2): Is the Tower Safe to Climb?

OnAllBands is pleased to present the second installment of DX Engineering’s Amateur Radio Tower Safety Video Series, featuring Tim Jellison, W3YQ. Tim is a longtime Amateur Radio operator, highly experienced […]

workers talking while climbing a tall antenna tower
Technical Articles

Amateur Radio Tower Safety (Part 1): An Introduction to Climbing

Welcome to the first installment of DX Engineering’s Amateur Radio Tower Safety Video Series, featuring Tim Jellison, W3YQ. Tim is a longtime Amateur Radio operator, highly experienced and credentialed tower […]

Product Reviews

New Product Spotlight: Carlson Communications Roof Towers (Video)

If you’re looking for a practical solution to overcome limited space or HOA restrictions, Carlson Communications offers four sturdy aluminum roof tower options that provide a range of choices for […]

rohn antenna tower pieces on a pallet
Products & Product Reviews

Ham Radio Products for Tower and Antenna Season

Yesterday, March 20, marked the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. For some, that’s the time when thoughts turn to crocuses, tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths popping up all […]

am m2 antenna element for ham radio
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

Antenna Safety—Look Before You Install

The most important thing you can do when putting up an antenna is to look before you install. Go outside and survey your property. Consider every suitable location for your […]

safe antenna lifting illustration
Technical Articles

Staying at Home? Now’s a Great Opportunity to Think about Amateur Radio Safety

Read enough emails today and you’ll notice a decided shift in how Hams are ending their correspondences. Of course, the familiar “73” will likely never change, but in the age […]

antenna guy line tail kit
Products & Product Reviews

Time to Guy Your Antenna Tower? Why You Should Consider Phillystran Guy Lines and DX Engineering Tail Kits

When it’s time to guy your antenna tower, Amateur Operators don’t have an endless list of alternatives. A popular choice is to use continuous metal guy wires. While more economical, […]