Technical Articles
by OnAllBands × on September 24, 2018 at 8:00 pm ×
If you have an amplifier connected to your transceiver output, do not use your transceiver’s antenna tuner. Even if your amplifier is turned off or in bypass mode don’t do […]
Technical Articles / Weatherproofing and Grounding
by OnAllBands × on September 19, 2018 at 5:42 pm ×
RF lightning protectors are designed to protect RF equipment by equalizing the potential difference between the center pin of the coax cable and its shield. The majority of RF protectors do […]
Technical Articles
by OnAllBands × on September 17, 2018 at 5:43 pm ×
With high quality stainless steel alloys, thread galling and cold-welding can make the hardware seize and fail. Although most hams don’t understand why anti-seize is recommended, it is vital to […]
Technical Articles
by OnAllBands × on September 15, 2018 at 5:50 pm ×
HF users really don’t have many coax issues. As long as power levels aren’t breached, just about any feed line will work without much concern. Even DXE-8X coax (Mini 8) can be […]
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles
Many hams ask why they should bother to add the recommended radial field to their ground-mounted vertical antenna. There are reasons why it’s a good idea. Ground-mounted verticals use the […]
Technical Articles
Many hams find that their HF mobiles receive more noise than they do usable signals. Common noise sources include the ignition system and alternator. Spark plug noise is propagated through […]
Technical Articles
Question: Is it OK to run an amplifier on 120 volts AC? This is a question that many new Amateurs ask themselves when they’re buying their first amplifier. There are […]
Technical Articles
SITUATION: The Sound Card interface you just installed (SignaLink, RigExpert, Soundblaster) is not sending digital tones through the transceiver. The natural conclusion you may draw is that the sound card interface or […]
Technical Articles
When is an antenna tuner not an antenna tuner? Answer: all the time! “Antenna tuner” is really a bad name for the devices that present a low SWR to our transmitters and […]
Products & Product Reviews / Technical Articles
Q: When should I use a thimble with EHS Guy Wire or Phillystran Guy line Big Grips? A: Whenever a Big Grip is attached to a metal guy bracket or guy anchor, you should always use an appropriately-sized thimble. The thimble […]